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The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy, Confirmed as Speaker at ASSA Virtual Offsite

Carlos Del Toro Headshot

The American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association is thrilled to say that Carlos Del Toro, the 78th Secretary of the Navy, is officially scheduled to speak at the Virtual Offsite on Oct. 8th.

As Secretary, Del Toro is responsible for over 900,000 Sailors, Marines, reservists, and civilian personnel and an annual budget exceeding $210 Billion. His priorities include securing the training and equipment successful naval operations demand and addressing the most pressing challenges confronting the US Navy and Marine Corps – China’s naval ambitions, climate instability, Covid’s ongoing impact, and strengthening a naval culture of inclusiveness and respect. Del Toro's full bio can be read at this link:


The full meeting schedule for tomorrow's Virtual Offsite is below.

Thursday, October 7th

1000 – 1200 EST Update from Ron O’Rourke, Specialist in Naval Affairs with the

Congressional Research Service & Eric Labs, Senior Analyst with

Naval Forces & Weapons at the Congressional Budget Office

Friday, October 8th

1000 – 1100 EST ASSA Board of Directors Meeting

1100 – 1200 EST Keynote address: The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of

the Navy

Update from the Board & Presentation of the ASSA Founder’s Award

If you are not a member of the board and wish to zoom in early to be on time for the Secretary’s remarks, you will remain in the waiting room until the Secretary arrives. Please feel free to share the zoom link with others in your company. Mr. Jesse Salazar, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Industrial Policy) and Ms. Adele Ratcliff are unable to meet with us. We have invited them to address a future ASSA meeting on a date that works better for their schedules. Members do not need to register and there is no fee to attend as a benefit of membership. Click below to join the Zoom Meetings: Meeting ID: 810 6582 1017

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