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White Paper:  Supplier Base Sustainment and Expansion

​​While statutory requirements are in place to require ships to be built in the US, there are virtually no requirements that critical components be manufactured in the US (only limited components for Navy auxiliary ships). In order to ensure that the entire shipbuilding industrial base is prepared to support the build-up to the 355-ship+ Navy, that same justification must apply to critical ship systems and components.  Read on for more on this position.

MLA Language for Legislative Requests

  • Requirement that certain ship components for auxiliary ships be manufactured in the national technology and industrial base;

  • Report language regarding shipbuilding component supply chain risk mitigation through requirements generation; and,

  • Bill and report language for the NAVY FFG(X).

MLA Contacts in House and Senate

  • Member resource:  contact list​

The Impact of FFG(X) on the US Shipbuilding Supplier Industrial Base 

Congressional Research Service, Specialist in Naval Affairs, Ron O’Rourke references ASSA’s white paper:  The Impact of FFG(X) on the US Shipbuilding Supplier Industrial Base.

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