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  • Writer's pictureASSA Staff

ASSA meets with Chairman Kaine and presents Founders Award to Kaylene Green

Members of ASSA met in DC for the annual meeting at General Atomics Electromagnetic System Office to discuss issues facing the industry. At the top of discussions was the NDAA. One of the key sessions was with The  Honorable Tim Kaine (VA), Chair of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower. They also met with BGen Marcus Annibale, USMC, Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division; Ron O’Rourke, Specialist in Naval Affairs, Congressional Research Service; Eric Labs, Senior Analyst, Naval Forces & Weapons at CBO; and staff from the Shipbuilding Industrial Base Task Force and Submarine Industrial Base. Carl Fisher, ASSA Founder, presented the ASSA Founders Leadership Award to Kaylene Green of Flagship Government Relations who represents Fairbanks Morse Defense for her industry advocacy throughout her career. The award is presented annually in memory of the former ASSA CEO Laura Haas Knox who lost her battle to cancer earlier this year.

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