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The board of directors for the American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association met and have approved the schedule of meetings and events for 2023. Please find the calendar of meetings attached. DC FLY-IN SET FOR MARCH 1-2

The first order of business is to restore the Annual DC Fly-in to in-person meetings. We are working now to secure meeting facilities and schedule appointments for March 1-2, 2023. So please mark your calendar and make plans to join us. Attached please find the registration form to complete and send in to secure your seat at the table for these meetings. There is a registration fee to attend, and we would welcome sponsors to assist in underwriting the reception to honor the recipient of the Thad Cochran Leadership Award. We have already received two nominees so please consider who should be recognized this year. It is likely that meetings will need to be across both days, March 1-2 and the reception will either be on the 1stor 2nd depending upon the schedule of the honoree. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT NOMINEES FOR HONORABLE THAD COCHCRAN LEADERSHIP AWARD IS FEB 15TH

If you have a nominee for the Thad Cochran Annual Leadership Award, please submit your nomination by February 15th. Past recipients, dedicated to improving the opportunities for domestic shipbuilding suppliers, include the following members of Congress: 2017 The Honorable Rob Wittman (VA-01) 2018 The Honorable Tammy Baldwin (WI) 2019 The Honorable Joe Courtney (CT-02) 2020 The Honorable John Garamendi (CA-03) 2021 The Honorable Donald Norcross (NJ-01) 2022 The Honorable Susan DelBene (WA-01)

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