Letter from Senator Warner presented to members at Newport News Meeting
American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association to host meeting in Newport News, VA
The Impact of FFG(X) on the US Shipbuilding Supplier Industrial Base
The American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association recognizes Congressman Joe Courtney as the 2019 reci
The American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association announces Laura Haas as their new Chief Executive Of
The American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association recently named their new Board of Directors
Energizing American Shipbuilding Act unveiled on National Maritime Day
ASSA Names Honorable Tammy Baldwin as the 2018 Honorable Thad Cochran Leadership Award Recipient
ASSA Recognizes Senator Thad Cochran for Leadership with Annual Award in his honor
ASSA Appoints Patrick Marotta to Board of Directors
ASSA Names Honorable Rob Wittman 2017 Thad Cochran Leadership Award
Congressman Garamendi Introduces the Energizing American Maritime Act, with Strong Support from Amer