Please reach out to the members of Congress you know with this message: American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association Strongly Supports Buy American Requirements for Major Defense Programs in FY21 NDAA Conference. On behalf of the leading organization for the shipbuilding supplier industry in the United States representing the American workforce, the American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association (ASSA) strongly supports provisions in H.R. 6395, the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021, to increase Buy American requirements for major defense programs. As you and members of the SASC and HASC work to complete the conference on the FY2021 NDAA, ASSA member companies and employees strongly urge retaining Sections 823 and 825 of H.R. 6395. This language is critical to support the domestic capacity and capabilities to meet national defense requirements. Without it, the health of the manufacturing and defense industry base is at risk. Our members fully support Section 825, calling for enhanced domestic content through Buy American requirements for major defense acquisition programs by gradually increasing the required percentage from 75% in FY2021 to 100% by FY2026. We also strongly support requiring an increase in the number of components to be manufactured domestically as outlined in Section 823. Although we believe long term that the requirement for domestic engineering, manufacturing and assembly should apply to each individual critical shipboard HM&E component, both of these Sections of the House bill are a critical step in ensuring the reliability of the domestic shipbuilding supplier base and the American jobs we support.
We ask for your support to preserve Sections 823 and 825 of H.R. 6395 in the final conference agreement on the FY2021 NDAA. If you have any questions, please contact me or Tish Williams at 228-216-9048 or by email at
George E. Williams, CEO
American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association ASSA Office: 300 New Jersey Avenue, NW – Suite 900, Washington, DC 20001 / 202-969-0083 Direct line to the CEO: 228-861-3548 /